Karin Black has resided on the Gold Coast for 26 years, where she has been an active and enthusiastic member of the art community.

In her native New Zealand, Karin was exposed to the wild beauty of the Kapiti Coast coastline. With its rolling bushlands and captivating sunsets, it is no surprise Karin naturally felt drawn to capture those beautiful and rugged landscapes on canvas.

Karin attended many workshops with some of New Zealand’s great artists. Their collective enthusiasm for her work was always gratefully received and served as a constant service of encouragement. Clearly, Karin had revealed an amazing talent and soon was known for her distinctive landscapes in oil paints, many of which sold to admirers in both the U.S.A and U.K.

After 10 years enjoying the creativity afforded by oils, Karin decided it was time to venture into other mediums. Her foray into watercolour, pastels and charcoal she enjoyed, mastering all those techniques, but acrylics and multi-medium are where Karin’s love now lies. The versatility of the paints combined with ability to exercise her creative freedom makes her stunning pieces very collectable. A confident artist in both composition and colour, Karin’s characteristic works are now in great demand all over the Gold Coast.

Karin has also enjoyed the opportunity to develop her skills further into an Interior Design capacity. Working closely with her husband in his property development business has provided her with a true and realistic understanding of what a client desires from their commissioned piece.